Imagine if every car, truck, RV, bus, locomotive, big ship, home or apartment building, and skyscraper in the world is also removing all of the CO2 in its own cube of air—and it is doing that continuously, year after year—until our sky is once again clean and pristine.
On average, vehicles would do it once a week: they would empty their accumulated CO2 at the same time as they recharge at any EV chargepoint. Large vehicles would have larger tanks. Tanks on trucks, buses, locomotives and large ships would clear CO2 out of much larger volumes of air.
The description of there being a volume of air for any given vehicle is just a way for you to visualize the extraordinary impact this new technology will have on the total atmospheric shell which surrounds the earth. Naturally, all volumes of air are constantly churning and mixing with each other.
An internal combustion engine car on the road emits about 4.6 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide each year. EPA A CCC car will remove a healthy percentage of that every year.
CCC vehicles will extract CO2 tirelessly for the next 30 years—in conjunction with a host of other potent CO2 cleansing methods—until the percent of CO2 in our atmosphere is at levels not seen since the Industrial Revolution of 1760. That was the point at which industrial pollution of the sky began.
Image to the above right by Léonard Defrance - Interior of an Industrial Revolution Foundry.
If you are scratching your head, and thinking:
"How can you put that much CO2 in a really tiny tank hidden underneath my car?"
The amount of CO2 in any given atmospheric cube of air—even a really big cube—is not very much.
 Remember that the percentage of CO2 in any given volume of ordinary air is miniscule. Scientists measure that percentage in 'ppm,' or 'parts per million.'
The amount of CO2 in the cube depicted here is 421 ppm >
That percentage of CO2 occupies a mere .04% of the cube.
But now, please read this:
That's not 4%, and it's not .4%. It's .04%— a teeny, tiny, miniscule amount of Carbon Dioxide.
This much are all the other gases: 999,584 ppm, or 99.96%!
The planet-saving result is that ALL of the Carbon Dioxide in a very large cube of air can be extracted and stored in your car's tank— just your car all by itself! — each and every week.
What makes it all work are the numbers of vehicles on the road: multiply that one cube's weekly cleansing by the 1.5 to 2 billion Carbon Capture Cars that will be on the road, with each one removing all of the CO2 in their cube— and then multiply that by 30 years of effort. Yes—that would be an astonishing miracle...
And, importantly, it is precisely because we can capture all the very small amounts of CO2 harvested from very large cubes of the atmosphere that we will not require our onboard captured CO2 to be compressed.
Yes, you are also correct in your thinking if you are wondering if you can apply this technology to trains, ships, buses, trucks, factories, skyscrapers and... homes and apartment buildings everywhere. And, since you asked, our global collection of beautiful rivers has also volunteered to save us, and even wants to claim title to being in the elite vanguard of how we should go about atmospheric carbon capture...
However, there are two important real-world points to consider: There are two modalities under discussion. The first modality is asking everyone to stop spewing CO2 into the sky. The real-world problem with that is the slow motion reality of attempting it. Millions upon millions of homes and cars and trucks and ships and trains and stores and factories the world over are spewing CO2 into the atmosphere non-stop.... right at this very moment in time. Producing and ramping up facilities to capture CO2—and send it deep underground—are practically non-existent.
The sober and actual chances of reversing that in the near future are dim. Very few people have a driving interest in the issue. And yes, even those in the halls of governmental power—informed people who should know better—routinely take a pass. It won't matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent if you fail to support efforts to halt and reverse the Armageddon of Climate Change / Global Scorching.
Enormous and unfathomable amounts of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and Methane
to the sky and are racheting up our warming atmosphere every minute of every day.
The second and honestly more realistic modality is a global committment to removal of CO2 (and Methane) from our global atmosphere by nations... especially those with the technology and resources to effect change. By championing that path, the serious work of actually performing a monumental juggernaut of continuous CO2 and Methane removal can be successfully launched.
Do YOU see the difference? It's important, so please take the time to wrap your arms around it.
Very few folks are going to change their home over from burning fossil fuels which keep them warm, though everyone can get behind the removal of CO2 from our global atmosphere. In the short term, it's there that we must focus our CO2 and Methane atmospheric removal efforts. It's there where we need to convince governments that failure to implement global-scale atmospheric CO2 and Methane removal will portend the end of our global civilization and the end of life as we know it. If that sounds 'alarmist' to you, then please take the time to read up on what scientists are saying about our future.
If there's just one thing that you might take away from this entire presentation, it is this: The short term plan must be a mammoth, potent and concerted worldwide effort by governments to REMOVE CARBON DIOXIDE and METHANE from the atmosphere. The long term plan can then also include discontinuing all the things we do every day to pump CARBON DIOXIDE into the atmosphere.
The United States could lead the charge as it supports a vast scientific community and maintains massive technological resources to design and field any such project. Subsequently, we can invite governments around the world to join in so that the project ramps up and becomes more powerful with every passing year.
Let's task our rivers all over the globe with CO2 capture.
The power inherent in a river is mighty. Volume for volume, more energy is generated by a rapidly flowing river than by any other terrestrial source. Clean energy is the most important single tool required to reverse global warming and climate change. The massive energy churning in a river is continuous, and is constantly fed by cycles of sunlight and evaporation, followed—as day follows night—by clouds and rain. Our planet contains an amazing 300,000 square miles of rivers and streams (773,000 square kilometers). GIZMODO

How big a platform is that?
If all the world's rivers were packed into one mass, they would cover the entire US state of Texas.
Let's now
harness that extraordinary power as soon as possible.
Imagine if millions of rugged standardized mobile CO2 Capture Devices were mass produced, and could then be easily deployed on or near the banks of rivers the world over; and, were then committed to engaging a standardized and potent atmospheric CO2 removal technology—EVERYWHERE there's an appropriate and powerful river.
Imagine if modified CO2 Capture devices were also designed to remove CO2 from the river's flowing water. Those devices would be produced in large factories whose only job would be their rapid production.
They would then be transported to the designated and appropriate rivers in their geographic zones, and finally they would be installed and situated underwater— in the river's water torrent itself.
Those rivers would furnish a continuous, non-stop, never failing, high-potency CLEAN energy
to supply the millions of CO2 Capture Devices deployed on their banks, or inland—or even many miles away.
Millions of CO2 Capture devices??
As a global society, we must come to grips with and understand that without millions upon millions of CO2 and Methane capture devices of all stripes removing CO2 and Methane from both our atmosphere and from our rivers, and from the melting tundra which is now spewing unfathomable amounts of Methane into the skies of the vast land areas surrounding the North Pole, you and I, and everyone you know, and everything we cherish about our civilization, will not survive.
It is only massive endeavors that will alter the current ominous trajectory that is Global Scorching... and planetary suicide.
1. The FLOWING WATER of any river generates and contains massive inherent energy 24/7/365.
2. An UNDERWATER TURBINE—about the size of a big truck's wheels—generates immense and continuous electrical energy derived from the powerful flow of the river's water. That prodigious energy powers a portable atmospheric CO2 Capture Device.

This tire is the approximate size of a water turbine. An actual water turbine about to be installed.
3. The PORTABLE CO2 CAPTURE DEVICE on dry land, and just adjacent to the turbine, traps meaningful quantities of airborne CO2 24-7-365. It won't stop its assigned task until the tanks are full to the brim with Carbon Dioxide. That CO2 Capture Device can be mounted on a forest-road truck designed for that purpose, or can be permanently positioned adjacent to the river—just a few yards from its submerged turbine.
CO2 capture devices will also be positioned and submerged in the river itself.
Wherever there is a river bank Dry Land Carbon Capture Device, there will also be a similarly designed but Submerged Carbon Capture Device, and an underwater in-the-stream-of-the-river Powerful Water Turbine to generate continuous clean and prodigious electrical energy 24-7-365 to power both of those CO2 capture devices.
Depending upon terrain, aesthetics, NIMBY and efficiency, Dry Land Carbon Devices might also be situated inland— and thereby be less noticeable, less obtrusive, and more easily accessed by trucks and repair crews. Remember also that the in-the-river turbine is always generating electrical energy, and that can simply be transmitted below ground to destinations near or far. A testing regimen of sophisticated engineering designs will generally determine the optimum and most beneficial prescription for their assignment.

Specifications: 6 Feet High x 8 Feet Long x 4 Feet Wide
Normal air is sucked into the entry grid. The device then separates out the CO2 and puts it in the storage tanks.
The air that was drawn in is then continuously released
—but without containing any of its now captured CO2.
It fits easily and snugly on a small truck for the purposes of first delivery, as well as a pick up for replacement or repair.
Our planet's rivers work 24/7/365.
Their operational cost is... well, zero.
Their unprecedented power to harness and set to work truly planet-saving technology is the equal to any method thus considered for meaningful amounts of airborne or adjacent river Carbon Dioxide removal and sequestration.
Let's ask scientists, engineers and all appropriate government agencies to get involved and study this powerful climate restoration possibility.
This ruggedly designed state-of-the-art CO2 Capture machine is powered solely by the clean, safe and endlessly abundant energy supplied by an adjacent spinning underwater water turbine.
That capture device is on land, and the powerful turbine is in the river.
The CO2 Capture Device never stops sucking Carbon Dioxide out of thin air.
Day or night, in any weather, in any season, it extracts CO2 and delivers it to trucks, trains or pipelines, which then send the gas to underground sequestration destinations.
Massive quantities of CO2 travel in the stream of large rivers all over our planet. CO2 Capture Devices will also be deployed in the river itself.
Their goal is to extract CO2 from the raging water of our planet's rivers. That CO2 is then piped to the millions of CO2 capture devices deployed adjacent to the river.
Day and night, the temporarily stored CO2 would then be periodically removed for deep underground sequestration for the millennia to come.
Tens of millions of CO2 Capture Devices will be mass produced
and installed
at riverside locations everywhere there's a powerful river, all over the world.
4. Those capture devices will secure unprecedented amounts of Carbon Dioxide, and WILL DELIVER THAT CO2 TO A VARIETY OF LOCAL FACILITIES WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS PERMANENT SEQUESTRATION OVER THE COURSE OF MILLENNIA. Their total amount of captured CO2 will be orders of magnitude higher than small capture devices.
Imagine if those tanks were mobile—on truck or existing rail platforms adjacent to the river—and could regularly truck captured CO2 to local sequestration destinations, there to be sequestered underground for millions of years to come.
Imagine if tens of millions of those devices could be fielded within the next ten years and they then began delivering freshly captured CO2 to sequestration destinations committed to permanent capture thousands of feet below ground. Consider the possibility as well that many turbines might simply deliver their river-borne energy to even more distant and centrally located points. Many possibilities will offer us latitude in how and where we deploy and engage the system.
Imagine if that platform would itself produce no CO2—it would receive all the energy it requires from the continuously operational submerged turbine in the adjacent river—and would be wholly and totally committed to its mission: to engage a dedicated safe harnessing of the most ancient natural energy source we have always had available, and continue to have available today: RUSHING WATER!
Even those trucks which will transport their Carbon Dioxide to sequestration destinations would themselves "power up" their batteries from that never-ending turbine-produced energy of powerful rushing water.
In sensitive areas, no evidence of the system need even be seen...

Imagine if this plan were implemented with a nature-first ethos. CO2 Capture Devices would not harm the local flora or fauna. Capture devices could be set-back from the river, and power-generating turbines would always be submerged, as well as designed to prevent harming the local animal population in any way.
Yes, it's true that massive dams and mighty hydro-electric installations now exist and churn out energy day and night, energy that might—and should be—used for a powerful contribution to skyborne CO2 abatement. Still, large dam installations actually add massive amounts of Methane and CO2 into the sky. DAM EMISSIONS
Consider for a moment that a turbine submerged ten feet under water, and a CO2 Capture Device 50 yards inland, away from the banks of the river, would in fact not even appear at the shoreline. For those areas where aesthetics were a concern, that might be a decent methodology. Imagine walking along such a river, and not seeing anything other than the natural beauty of that river... and its inviting green banks.
Wind and Solar are crucial— but remember that wind is notoriously spotty, and that Solar energy farms are down 50% of the time every day. In most areas of the world, however, river water power never takes a rest. Nature devised a water system that starts high up and then inexorably heads down... until it does one of four things: Dries up, spills into a lake, continues underground... or, most often reaches and joins the ocean.

What we're talking about here differs markedly from huge facilities: We do not want to dam a river to produce energy; we do not want to commit to the disruption that would cause; we do not want to go through the decades of red-tape new facilities would boondoggle and governments debate; and we do not want to shoulder the mammoth cost of such plants. The physician's ethos asks us to "first do no harm."
The current timelines posited by governments the world over to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and send it underground and halt its proliferation are wildly and dangerously behind the curve.
They are inconsistent with the urgent need to capture CO2 at rates that reverse the current skyborne CO2 load. We have yet to demand of governments everywhere an immediate and unequivocal halt to its proliferation. The two go hand-in-hand, and both halting CO2 river infusions into the sky, and removing CO2 from that same sky, are essential for the survival of our civilization.
Let's focus our technology on developing skyborne and waterborne CO2 removal devices.
What's the benefit to designing underwater devices that will remove CO2 from a river's water?
Rivers take in and channel massive amounts of Carbon Dioxide from the banks of submerged soil through which they travel. Thousands of miles of rivers the world over are engaged in this natural and ancient practice.
Volume for Volume, CO2 accumulates in rivers and contains much greater percentages of CO2,
measured in Parts Per Million (PPM), than does airborne CO2.
Rivers work in a relatively small fraction of real estate when compared with the enormity of earth's gaseous atmosphere. Bear in mind though, the vastness of the sky and its atmosphere contain orders of magnitude more Carbon Dioxide than do our rivers, though in much lower percentages... and that makes a difference.
Underwater CO2 removal devices theoretically can achieve much greater efficacy than atmospheric removal platforms, once again, because the Parts Per Million of CO2 in our rivers is much higher than what's floating in the atmosphere. That doesn't mean we can ignore the growing Carbon Dioxide peril in the sky. Both modes—our atmosphere and our rivers—can and must be tasked with CO2 removal.
That goal can be accomplished by constantly adding potent CO2 removal devices addressing both skies and rivers, and making sure that the production of those devices are manufactured and delivered with ever increasing speed and widespread distribution.
Devices to remove CO2 would continuously report in. They would advise conditions on the ground, or in the water; they would request maintenance when needed, and they would remotely update their electronics.
It's also true that much of the CO2 in rivers eventually makes it to the ocean. Our oceans have an enormous capacity for accomodating CO2, and have done so as long as there have been rivers to deliver it. Yet, that still leaves unfathomable amounts of CO2 that leave a river by rising out of the river, and directly into that other vast "ocean," the sky above. It is that CO2 that we wish to capture and sequester forever.

Permafrost is any ground that
remains completely frozen—
32°F (0°C)
or colder—for at least
years straight.
These permanently frozen grounds
are most common
in regions
high mountains and
Earth's higher latitudes—
near the North and South Poles.
If you will, please burn this into your understanding
of an ever-increasing atmospheric CO2 dynamic:
Failure to reverse CO2 pollution within the
the very near future will open the door to
an unstoppable atmospheric Methane release.
Nothing we then will do can prevent our planet
from overheating, and destroying all life on earth.
At the moment, only relatively small amounts of
Methane are being released due to climate warming.
But should we permit the Earth's atmosphere to continue to warm at its current rate, then the frost which now contains that Methane in the Tundra will begin to melt, and a vicious cycle Planetary Armageddon will be born.
Vast volumes of the incredibily potent Green House Gas METHANE will begin to be released into the atmosphere.
The more the Permafrost melts, the warmer your planet will become, and thus... the faster it WILL melt !!!
That melting will take place in the Permafrost zone in the 20% of our planet's thawing soils mostly at the top of the globe. And for that crisis, we will have no answer.
We will then all be a witness to planet Earth's most consequential calamity in human history.
The fate of the world is in the mathematics of just how rapidly we can scale up our response to the unwanted CO2 and Methane that is being blasted into the sky and our rivers at fantastic rates every hour, minute and second of every day— all over our precious planet.
Take the time to write to your elected representatives
and ask them to get involved with swift action to reverse course. It's not too late... and it's up to you!
I |
An actual photo of Canada's 2023 forest holocaust. |
The recent Canadian wildfires in the Summer of 2023 were the most extreme in North America in the modern era. They destroyed communities, forests, wildlife— and launched countless volumes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. Dangerous clouds of smoke scoured the continent, and were a danger to people everywhere. Wildfires burned approximately 50,000 square miles; for comparison, that would be about the ENTIRE US State of Iowa burned to the ground.
It will take decades for those forests to rejuvenate, if we can protect them. The fires were ubiquitous, and news reports took place on the hour. However, nothing was reported about the planet-destroying quantities of Carbon Dioxide that were released into the atmosphere.
Fire Drones that can arrive at fires en masse can prevent a repeat of this scenario.
China today is committed to the mass production of Fire Drones. Why not the rest of the world?
"Life as we know it is facing its end. Not in some far-off future, not in two generations or 200 years. Not then, now. How in the world did we get here?
Scientists first warned about climate change back in the mid-'60s.
We humans -we collectively- should have listened.
But instead we went on taking those small actions and making those small choices that brought us to where we are: near the end. That's how we got here.
So how do we get out of here? The same way: small actions, small choices.
Given the enormity of the climate crisis, it may sound hopeless.
It isn't. It's the only hope we've got." • CREDO • 2023
By tasking our rivers, some small choices might just turn out to be very big choices...
What we might wish to commit ourselves to is an appreciation of the scale of this proposed endeavor:
Very small facilities—but millions upon millions of them—would utilize the endless power of rivers to energize devices designed to remove, deliver and sequester CO2 as a matter of course. Governments as well as responsible local officials would sign on to the plan. Their participation is both necessary— and crucial.
People might scoff at the notion that we must deploy "millions upon millions" of CO2 extraction devices—in our 1.5 billion cars and and other vehicles, in our homes and factories, in our thousands of skyscrapers, on all our trains, in our large ocean-going ships, in our jets, and most especially in our thousands of mighty rivers.
It's just so important that we cast off that mentality and educate ourselves about the dire consequences of doing nothing, and just as seriously, doing the proverbial 'too little too late.'
Imagine if this technological breakthrough was designed to extract Carbon Dioxide from both the atmosphere... and the raging river itself. There is no limit to the power, range, efficacy and speed of implementation for that bold design. Let's task the world's powerful rivers with CO2 removal.
Imagine if this small river supported thousands of CO2 capture devices and energy-generating turbines in its 140 mile range. Imagine too if thousands of rivers of all stripes, sizes, lengths and power—on every continent, and in every country—were also generating constant and overwhelming power to remove CO2. If this goal could be achieved, a significant and major step towards actually reversing Climate Change could be secured.
Photo Below by Jérôme Prax on Unsplash
There are about 165,000 rivers in the world.
About 165 of them would be classified as major rivers. Those thousands of rivers naturally carry enormous volumes of CO2, and have done so for millions of years. It wasn't an issue in our recent pre-industrial past; but it became a fantastically huge part of the issue when we unbalanced our planet's atmospheric CO2 content. Much of that CO2 ends up in the ocean and the sky; it once was a natural process to be left well enough alone, but now it's become a very big part of the existential problem, and the fate of your world.
In addition to utilizing our rivers all over the globe for the purpose of generating energy to remove atmospheric CO2—which rivers are perhaps the greatest readily available clean energy source possible to harness on our planet—we must also swiftly investigate how those same devices designed for atmospheric CO2 removal can also utilize their power to extract CO2 directly from any river's flowing water.
"In 2013, scientists discovered that freshwater rivers and streams release about 5 times more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than all the world’s lakes and reservoirs combined, a much higher amount than previously believed."
Not every river will be an appropriate vessel for CO2 removal. But a large percentage of the world's rivers are ideal for both riverborne CO2 removal, as well as utilizing their power for skyborne CO2 removal. We will need to select the best candidates based on their high energy power production, their proficiency, and their distance from towns and cities. The more remote they are, the less likely that they will interfere with local areas of civilization. For all intents and purposes however, the sheer number of rivers will be sufficient for tasking them with the tools for unprecedented rates of CO2 removal.
Photo below by Daria Volkova on Unsplash

Just imagine if you can field a device designed and empowered to supply the clean energy needed
to remove billions of tons of CO2 from both the enormous sky,
and, as well, the endless powerful rivers of our planet.
Let's ask our scientists and engineers to study this plan. If models ascertain a breakthrough possibility, and a major benefit for the halting and reversal of global atmospheric heating, then let's get going.
Let's spend what it takes, and let's involve thousands of trained and dedicated participants to incept one more major means for halting and reversing Climate Change. Ask governments to quickly study this plan as well.
The clock is ticking, and we must get serious. We can invest in turning the tide, and we should participate like we mean it. During World War II, there was no question that every resource would be brought to bear no matter the cost, and every able-bodied person would be drafted and asked to serve.
There was no question concerning the cost. In a way, the current global atmospheric heating challenge is just as serious—and possibly more so!—as that noble allied World War II mission.
Will this be expensive? Surely. Will this require massive commitments from nations? Absolutely.
Are you willing to look your children in the eye and tell them you're going to do all you can to make things right?
Will nay-sayers berate the proposals before the scientific community has had its chance to examine the plan? Yes.
Still, ask yourself: "If this overwhelmingly powerful possibility might actually work, and might actually assist in reversing Global Scorching, is it worth the time, effort, dollars and preliminary investigations of climate scientists the world over, should we engage that inquiry? Why wouldn't we at least do due diligence?"
What will the cost be?? Producing and deploying CO2 removal devices of all types will cost billions upon billions of dollars. The only costs more grave are—you now know the response—doing little... or doing nothing.
Let's 'dive in' using the unquestioned power of a mighty river to capture CO2 at unprecedented rates and timelines, and which goal will make an enormous difference in our ability to capture CO2 from the sky as well as directly from the rivers harboring those turbines, and make sure that we have equipped them with the powerful tools that will be needed and required to do it. CO2 can be extracted from the sky... and our rivers!
Carbon emissions from rivers vary markedly in northern climes.
"Scientists now have a global view of the amount of carbon dioxide released into Earth’s atmosphere by rivers and streams throughout the year. Researchers studying the flow of carbon between Earth’s surface and its atmosphere usually focus on emissions from land and the oceans. But rivers and streams also take up carbon from the landscape and release it into the air as CO2.
After scouring the literature, Shaoda Liu at Beijing Normal University and his colleagues analysed more than 5,900 measurements of CO2 from the world’s rivers and streams. By combining those data with estimates of how quickly gas moves from water to the air, and information on the rivers’ sizes, the team calculated that the world’s rivers and streams emit 112–209 million tonnes of CO 2 per month.
They also found that the amount of CO2 emitted per month showed much more seasonal variation for rivers in the Arctic and other northern regions than for rivers closer to the Equator. The results provide better estimates of the carbon released and absorbed by rivers, which could, in turn, improve estimates of Earth’s carbon flows."
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 119, e2106322119 (Date of scientific publication of this information: 2022)
A beautiful istock Photo of a very powerful Canadian river...
Our powerful rivers worldwide carry
staggering quantities of
CO2 throughout their length.
Perhaps we can capture vast amounts of that CO2
before it
enters the atmosphere.
We could then
CO2 deep below ground forever.
Unlike the sky's largely consistent and uniform Carbon Dioxide percentages, currently weighing in at 421 PPM (Parts Per Million) —a very small amount in any given area of the sky— CO2 concentrations in all the world's rivers display a remarkably wide range— from very small amounts to very large amounts.
The average CO2 measured in Parts Per Million in our rivers is 380 times that of the average
421 Parts Per Million of CO2 concentration in our sky. The highest and most recently scientifically measured 'parts per million' CO2 quantity in our rivers is 11,700 ppm... a truly astronomical figure. It is also very possibly a game-changer: Extracting and sequestering Carbon Dioxide in the 11,700 arena means that massive and overwhelming quantities can be yanked out of our rivers and sequestered. It also means that those enormous quantities won't be entering the atmosphere. It's the proverbial win-win design possibility.
"At the global scale, pCO2 in streams and rivers have been averaged at 1600 ppm in a range of 132 to 11,770 ppm." pCO2 is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide used in climate science analysis. It is the fractional pressure of CO2 as a function of its concentration in gas or dissolved phases.
Given those stats, we can instruct our CO2 removal devices to focus on the lowest hanging fruit first and foremost, i.e., any localized quantities of river borne CO2 that tend towards the highest Parts Per Million.
Well, if our rivers can capture such enormous quantities of Carbon Dioxide, then
why do we need to intervene? Why not just embrace that natural control of CO2??
That riverborne CO2 doesn't stay in the river for very long. It is continuously launching itself into the atmosphere. Open a bottle of seltzer, and you immediately see bubbles of CO2 rising up; the same thing happens to Carbon Dioxide in a river, a lake... or an ocean. They rise up as they are lighter than the water which surrounds them, and greater than the gravity trying to pull them down.
It's increasingly dangerous if we allow riverborne Carbon Dioxide to continuously escape, and phase into our atmosphere. It then is a major global source fanning the flames of climate change. It's just as potent as all those sources we know only too well, i.e., CO2 polluting cars, trucks, aircraft, factories, power generating facilities, etc., etc.
However, if we were to focus our Carbon Dioxide extraction model in those enormous areas of densely concentrated Carbon Dioxide which reside in our rivers, then the rate of CO2 removal in those designated rivers could receive a potent and dynamic assist in turning around the ominous existential tide that is Climate Scorching in two ways: |
1) We would capture and sequester unprecedented amounts of CO2 from our rivers worldwide...
2) And because we capture it and sequester it, we would
no longer be allowing the injection of mammoth volumes of CO2 into our sky from our rivers at anywhere near the current levels.
That is the key takeaway a river's part can play in overwhelming scale atmospheric CO2 abatement.
As such, interestingly so, atmospheric CO2 removal would receive a mighty assist from river-borne CO2 capture.
That incredibly powerful synthesis would be an exciting and real-world game changer, and as well, it generates a Win—Win paradigm for our future.
You can learn more regarding what scientists know about river-borne CO2, and why it matters here: A brief stunner drawn from that Nature article:
"...estimates of how quickly gas moves from water
to the
and information on the rivers’ sizes, the
team calculated
the world’s rivers and streams
emit 112–209 million
tonnes of CO2 per month."
So, now that you are armed with that mathematical context,
and utilizing the 209 million tonnes
as the highest realistic level, then what would be the approximate amount of CO2
into the sky every year by our worldwide system of rivers everywhere?

The answer is.....
Tonnes of CO2 / Carbon Dioxide.
That astronomical figure is added to your sky..... every year, from our rivers alone!
Those tonnes of Carbon Dioxide are a dangerous gas which heats your atmosphere daily.
On average, that heat gets notched up every day, every month and every year.
It doesn't go down... it's important to take this in: The heat index is only going up.
Its yearly atmospheric infusion weight from our rivers alone is
roughly equivalent to the weight of two thousand Empire State Buildings...
and we're talking here about an airborne gas that is ordinarily considered something without much weight at all!
We have the technology, we have the resources, we know what it is to mass-produce
machinery, the devices and their deployment, and do it with alacrity.
Why wouldn't we want to capture and sequester river-borne CO2... all over the world?
And anyone who thinks turning this around will be an expense we can't afford,
then seriously, please consider the alternative: A dying planet without a future.
Our oceans too can play an important part in reversing course.
"For decades, our oceans have protected us from the worst impacts of man-made climate change by absorbing much of the heat produced by the fossil fuel industry’s relentless expansion. But the oceans can only take so much and without immediate action we will continue to see more intense and frequent weather events.
According to a new analysis commissioned by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, ocean-based action can deliver nearly half the emissions reductions needed by 2050 to keep the planet from warming a catastrophic 2 degrees Celsius.
With bold and forceful action, world leaders can not only protect the seas, but harness them to prevent climate catastrophe. To secure a sustainable and resilient future, we must turn to the oceans." OCEANA.ORG • 2023
If you have a scientific background, or just might be willing to wade through brief but somewhat difficult material regarding the unbelievable power inherent in our rivers, please click here:

Each year, human activities release more
CO2 into the atmosphere than natural
processes can remove, causing the amount
of CO2 in the atmosphere to increase.
Atmospheric CO2 is now 50 percent higher
than it was before the Industrial Revolution.
The annual rate of increase in atmospheric
carbon dioxide over the past 60 years
is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases, than those that occurred at the end
of the last ice age 11,000-17,000 years ago.
The ocean has absorbed enough CO2 to lower
its pH by 0.1 units, a 30% increase in acidity.
So? What's the answer??
Let's invite the entire
planet into service.
These two are the culprits:
CO2 and Methane
Let's produce millions upon millions of
standardized cookie-cutter CO2 and
Methane removal systems and set
them to work everywhere, in our homes, in our
factories, in our schools and universities, in our stores, in our hospitals,
in our hotels, in our rivers, in our cars, trains and trucks, in our wind farms,
in our solar arrays and skyscrapers, on our big ships, in our jet aircraft,
etc., etc., and let the systems run 24/7/365, let them never stop, and,
just as importantly, sequester all that captured CO2 & Methane 7,000
feet underground as fast and as comprehensively as we can.
Let's Make CO2 and Methane Removal Planet Earth’s
biggest industry and biggest enterprise.
Let's spend whatever it takes.
Spend more than the cost of World War II.
Have governments give every single polluting source a deadline for termination, or
to a complete transition to neutral. Little by little, all dangerous tech can and must
be phased out. Ask governments and their constituents everywhere to contribute
every last dollar they can afford to reversing the crisis.
Explain to the public WHAT we're doing..
and WHY.
The children and young people of today will quite literally have no future without
implementation of global scale CO2 and Methane removal measures.
Without massive remediation, even those today in their twenties, thirties,
or forties might possibly perish from Global Scorching long before they
will ever enjoy becoming seniors.
Support conversation that atmospheric
temperatures will actually begin to come
down the more we capture riverborn and
atmospheric CO2. Let's promote a stream
of public service messages inviting the
public to get involved and to take this
challenge to heart.
OK... so we're going to begin yanking
CO2 and Methane out of the sky on a
massive global scale.
Over the course of the next fifteen years,
let's decommisson 90% of all Unnatural
things that still continue to pollute the
sky with Carbon Dioxide. Simple, really.
Natural CO2: Refers to things like our trees,
our crops... and our out-breath.
"I've heard that Carbon Capture can be an expensive process, and as well, not very practical.
What's the truth about all that? Is there a way around that expense and the talk of impracticality?"
Carbon Capture can be a relatively expensive process. Yet, it is important to recognize and acknowledge that CO2 capture technologies have advanced mightily in the last few years. In the not too distant past, the idea that we could capture CO2 from the sky—or even the highly concentrated CO2 exhaust from our cars!— was roundly poo-poed. Yet, because things don't readily disappear from the Internet, that conversation persists. What you need to know is that CO2 capture technologies are now up to the task to remove CO2 from the atmosphere... anywhere, and in any concentration. And... given the ticking clock, efforts to further enhance rates of CO2 capture are taking place.
In the scenario being presented in this report, the feared costs associated with Carbon Capture in general, and Carbon Capture Cars in particular, will be mitigated by overwhelming scale at every level.
MIT researchers have already produced laboratory versions of a game-changing atmospheric Carbon Dioxide extraction device. Their invention differs from other similar initiatives in that it is designed to extract airborne Carbon Dioxide at any concentration. That might not sound like a groundbreaking ability— but it is in fact so revolutionary that 'We the People' need to support this particular effort whole-heartedly, as its implications for our survival as a civilization might hinge upon this very technology.
Continuing research by their company, and the scientific teams they will employ, will greatly optimize the CO2 Scrubbers destined to be installed in our cars, trucks, buses, buildings, homes, etc., so that those scrubbers are both powerful and affordable; 650 or so automobile factories around the world will streamline their production; and, at least for this particular device, they might just all utilize the same design, and once again bring costs down because of it.
Automobile manufacturers will pool their purchasing power to inexpensively requsition raw materials.
The devices they produce in their factories will be cost-effective due to high production line efficiencies, the sheer scale and quantity of CO2 Scrubbers being manufactured on those production lines, and—given the planet-saving nature of the goal—the financing governments will contribute to defray costs.
Should vehicle owners be concerned about Carbon Capture costs??
Models for the cost of Carbon Capture range from 'affordable' to 'off-the-charts.' The MIT researchers indicate that their electro-swing device in operation would cost about $50 to $100 US Dollars per Metric Ton. That's in the affordable range. Still— could we do better? Let's consider the "Fair Share" approach.
In regards to Carbon Capture Cars, those costs wouldn't be demande d of individual car owners. In the same way sewer systems are paid for by a municipality—with everyone paying their fair share in the form of taxes, and for a service that everyone ultimately uses—any nation's vehicle fleet will likewise be included in an overall public tax for the costs of capture, the conduits for that captured CO2, and the eventual sequestration of that Carbon Dioxide 7,000 feet deep below the earth's surface.
The market will be involved, and meaningful legislation will ensure that Carbon Capture Cars—and all vehicles that will utilize the tech—will conform to every possible vetted plan to guarantee that the car and the device affordably meet. Remember that first and foremost, capturing skyborne CO2 is society's goal, not just the vehicle owner's assigned task.
In the final analysis, whatever the ultimate cost is regarding a technology which promises to reverse Climate Change in relatively short order, that commitment far exceeds the alternative: that doing nothing—or just not doing enough—will be infinitely more expensive—as well as dangerous for a planet already reeling from atmospheric CO2 proliferation.
To succesfully implement Carbon Capture Cars globally,
and, as well, all innovative CO2 capture platforms such as
skyscrapers, homes, factories, buses, big ships, trains and rivers with
LONG-TERM and ceaseless
CO2 removal everywhere,
nations will do what it takes to
achieve a successful outcome
regarding cost,
as the alternative is just too unthinkable.

There are two ways to look at CO2:
1. How much more CO2 is in the sky today,
compared to natural pre-industrial levels?
2. What is the percent of CO2
in the sky
today, compared to the total volume of air?
Here's why understanding this is important: The answer to those two questions are as different as day from night, even if it would seem that the answers might be similar.
It is crucial to understand the distinction, if we also want to understand why
Carbon Capture Cars—and all Carbon Capture Systems—will work when they are tasked with CO2 removal
from the ocean of air in our planet's vast one billion cubic mile atmosphere.
How much more CO2 is in the sky today, compared to baseline & historical pre-industrial levels? |
What is the percent of CO2 in the sky today
compared to the total volume of air? |

The current level of atmospheric CO2 is 421 PPM. For thousands of years, the pre-industrial levels oscillated between 180 and 300 PPM. Somewhere around 1950, the CO2 level count took off dramatically. NOAA
Concurrent with that huge 121 PPM increase from 1950 to today, atmospheric heat has exploded due to the profound heat-trapping nature of skyborne Carbon Dioxide.
In today's world, every day more CO2 is added to the sky than is removed by natural processes. |
Now, here is the core principle which allows cars, trucks, buildings, homes, factories—and importantly, our global resource of powerful rivers—to capture meaningful amounts of CO2:
Percentage-wise, there is very little Carbon Dioxide in the sky, relative to all the other gases in any given volume of ordinary air, even though our civilization has more than doubled the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere since the pre-industrial era.
That doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of CO2 in the sky.. there surely is.
CO2 capture tanks can be small because the CO2 our cars will capture every week will now be highly concentrated:
that means we will stuff an awful lot of CO2—and nothing but CO2—into a small tank on our car's undercarriage.
Whenever you stop to charge up, the CO2 in your tank will automatically be drawn off to be sequestered below impervious geologic formations located 7,000 feet underground.
Consider also that we don't have to remove all of the CO2 in the atmosphere; we just have to remove somewhere in the vicinity of half of it. |
The takeaways?
Many regions of our planet have already experienced summers which are too hot for human habitation. That is a phenomena we've all seen in the recent news, even if we personally were in relatively comfortable areas of habitation.
Yet, the news today is replete with an unbridled Nature wreaking havoc with shocking images of homes and towns and cities being destroyed by tornadoes and massive floods.
The ever growing amount of CO2 in our sky will cause average global atmospheric heat levels to increase everywhere on Earth for many years to come, but importantly, notice that the total percentage of CO2 in
the sky will remain miniscule. |
That provides our avenue of attack, and invites the
most potent way out of our existential challenge:
Scrub the sky clean of its excess CO2 with our cars, trucks, buses, railroads, big ocean going ships, factories, skyscrapers... and, yes, our millions upon millions of homes and apartment buildings too.
Let's also task the mighty power of our extensive global river network everywhere on our planet to provide unprecedented energy, in order to capture Carbon Dioxide from thin air and just as importantly, from the huge amount of Carbon Dioxide in our rivers, and throughout their hundreds of miles of extent.
Though it seems a strange idea, our global cornucopia of powerful rivers could deliver CLEAN ENERGY all over the world, and do it 24/7/365.
Tap that gargantuan power to remove Carbon Dioxide and Methane from the atmosphere, and we will have a tool that will insure a future of our global civilization. |
That is good news and our saving grace.. it means we can scale up and implement powerful new atmospheric CO2 removal technologies globally, and within planet-saving rates of time.
The platforms and tools to accomplish these goals are all around us. We would be foolish to not seriously investigate the potential of these ubiquitous and mundane platforms. Think of this as a dynamic plan to completely reverse global warming—and to accomplish that goal quickly. |
The projections for effective, massive and rapid CO2 removal by billions of cars, trucks, trains, ships, buildings, factories, homes, and rivers, etc., as well as all similar CO2 removal projects, depends on accepting Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth,' told to us decades ago, which is now obvious to everyone:
Spewing CO2 into our sky must stop...
That is Job #1 for the survival of our civilization. |

3.5 TRILLION DOLLARS is allocated globally EACH YEAR to oil and gas revenues....
...while, relative to that figure,
a paltry 100 BILLION finances Climate Study and Amelioration.
If we care about our planet and our future,
we might honestly consider reversing those differentials.
Hurricane Milton
"In October 2024, Hurricane Milton rapidly intensified from a Category 4
to a Category 5 storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Milton was the fastest on record to intensify
into a Category 5 in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm's explosive
was fueled by record to near-record warmth across the Gulf of Mexico."
| •

There are about 1,500 new Carbon Capture Cars and trucks on that shipping dock.
It sure looks like a lot of cars... but be bold and imagine them multiplied to the actual projected numbers: a global fleet of 1.5 to 2 billion CCC cars removing CO2—every minute of every day—from thin air as they cruise around town or take to the highway.
Effectively tackling Climate Change is always all about embracing massive Scale.

Translation: 1.5 billion CCC cars. Take a deep dive into how much climate disaster reversing power they promise, and let it sink in.
> Every dot represents one CCC car. <

Could our new
CO2-Scrubber equipped Carbon Capture Cars — along with all the other CCC vehicles on the road — quickly remove a good portion of the dangerous excess Carbon Dioxide from our highly contaminated atmosphere?
Could we largely reverse Global Warming with our cars, along with the vital support of all the other CO2 removal plans? This can fit the bill.
Our goal is to build 1.5 billion CCC cars. Each dot represents one Carbon Capture Car, every small square 100 cars, and every large square with a wide white border, 10,000 cars.
ALL of those cars are yanking CO2 from the sky day and night, for decades to come, on the road, in charging-equipped parking lots—or when your car is in your driveway.
Image Text Translation: "
Every dot represents one Clean & Green Carbon Capture Car. "
That presentation is 2 hours and 39 minutes long, but for our purposes, just a few minutes there will suffice.
Most of us have no idea what a billion cars look like, much less one billion five-hundred million, nor the two billion cars, trucks and buses projected to be on our highways in the coming years.
You'll be amazed, and you'll get a true feel for the climate-saving scale and potential of our humble automobiles. Please go ahead... take just a few minutes to witness what an actual planet-saving paradigm shift really promises.
When it says "Dots," you think.. "Carbon Capture Cars."
About 215,000 cars are produced world-wide every day. With each of them joining those produced the day before, and the day before that, you can begin to appreciate the ramp-up speed of this powerful global CO2 remedy. Go ahead, click the pic above!
Please return to when you finish!
Clean Energy Available Anywhere
City blocks, commercial streets, Mall or beach parking lots, highway rest stops — almost anywhere you might park your car — will be designed to offer fast and affordable charging.
Carbon Capture Cars Deliver CO2
Every recharging station or curbside stand — wherever they might be situated — will also be equipped to draw off your accumulated atmospheric CO2, and send it to be sequestered deep underground — forever. |
Our timeline to reverse a scorched future:
2022: 78 million dangerous CO2 spewing cars, trucks, RV's and buses are produced worldwide.
2023 and 2024: The same bad news as 2022.
2025: A brand new batch of 78 million Carbon Capture Cars—abbreviated as CCC's—and includes cars, trucks, RV's, buses, etc., —no longer put any CO2 in our sky.
Instead, they begin to swiftly remove all excess atmospheric CO2 at global scale and meaningful rates.
2026: Yet another new batch of 78 million CCC's is delivered to excited motorists the world over.
The old polluting cars leave the road, or are retrofitted with new Carbon Dioxide scrubbers.
With each passing year, millions of new CCC sky-cleaning cars are added to the roster, until the goal of one and a half billion of them is achieved. |
Translation: BLUE: Global Temperature Change – ORANGE: No CO2 Emissions Cuts – GREEN: Substantial Cuts In CO2 Emissions |
Compared with oil and gas extraction, wind and solar cost, well, ... nothing. Wind and solar energy are free and abundant just about anywhere and everywhere on Planet Earth.
Yes, it's true we'll also need solar panels and wind turbines galore.
But, once installed, the cost of maintenance for that infrastructure – when compared to the dangerous and outdated current system – is extremely modest.
Wind and solar energy generation is ample, safe, reliable, and cost-effective.
By electrifying our global grid with only wind and solar power, we will have a safe, affordable and stable supply of electricity for every purpose; and, most importantly, for propelling all of our Carbon Capture Cars. They will get us around— and secure a future for our planet.
Unlike the oil shocks we now regularly experience — caused by an unstable system charging wildly fluctuating prices for a product that is bad for our lungs and our health — and so much worse for the health of our global atmosphere — we will instead appreciate the safe consistency of a uniform and universal clean energy supply.
The oil industry itself might choose to get onboard with wind and solar.. and not as an ornament to hide the deleterious results of their petroleum-based platform, but as a new strategy to remain relevant.

The only reason to not choose that route would be if the management of those companies — and their stockholders — actually believe that Climate Change is something that will bite us only in the far distant future, and we still have plenty of time to generate a few more billions.
They might consider that we are now losing in the bottom of the 8th inning, and that the optimal time to meaningfully change course is right now.
They could use their wide range of resources—and their scientists and engineers—to design and fund a complete transition to wind and solar. Everyone who works for these companies has kids too.
And what about our future on Planet Earth?
Will Carbon Capture Cars confidently move us forward??
With your support, the answer can be an emphatic 'YES!'
In just the next few years time, we could see our transformed global fleet of CCC vehicles beginning the reversal of Earth's atmospheric warming, and thus altering the destiny of a once imperiled civilization.
With a World War II-style production mentality, governments and automobile manufacturers can—and must—secure this precious goal at lightning speed.
The New Partnership: CARBON CAPTURE CARS
One hand washes the other... as Carbon Capture Cars begin to proliferate, they will remove greater total amounts of skyborne CO2 with every passing day, as more CCC vehicles are added to the fleet; and at the same time, polluting vehicles will leave the road or be outfitted to capture their own CO2 effluence. This will also slow and eventually reverse a warming atmosphere.
And, by lowering temperatures with atmospheric CO2 removal by Carbon Capture Cars, trucks, buses, trains, big ships, homes, factories and skyscrapers, etc., our global forest range will be in much better shape because of it.
Indeed, by asking forests to continue their millennia of work capturing carbon to keep the Earth cool, all the coming potent technology to remove atmospheric CO2 overload will enjoy a powerful and timely helping hand.
What would power the CO2 Scrubbers integrated into every vehicle?
We may choose to have all vehicles run on efficient batteries that are charged by wind and solar sources only. Consider that little energy is required to deliver CO2 to the Scrubbers—it just blasts in as your car tools down the highway.
Energy will still be required to operate the Scrubber.
That power will be sourced from the car's extensive complement of high energy-density batteries, and perhaps also be co-generated by unseen small but highly efficient compact wind turbines adjacent to the CO2 Scrubber.
The stark warnings now permeating the conversation that a new energy infrastructure will be required to remove all the excess CO2 up there—and it will call for thousands of huge facilities, at astronomical costs, and 50-year timelines—might now be obviated by the relatively low cost, simplicity, and raw power of simply asking our vehicles, trains, big ships, and even our tall buildings, to engage the task.

Image text translation: It is time to say goodbye... The Internal Combustion Engine.
Why couldn't we leave the internal combustion engine in place,
and just add CO2 Scrubbers on our vehicles?
Choosing that route would be better than doing nothing—but not by much.
The problem is that the world is careening towards an unimaginable future of heat, devastation and death—and much of that nightmare is caused by polluting cars, trucks, buses and large ocean-going ships. A reckoning for our folly is coming our way much faster than all previous evidence would suggest.
Without maximizing every possibility to reject fossil fuels, every opportunity to embrace clean Green energy technologies, and every chance to build cars and trucks that pluck gigs of CO2 from the sky, we will not be able to prevent a global catastrophe of an unparalleled magnitude.
Recent proposals by automobile manufacturers declare that 2035 would be a tolerable sunset date for the sale of—and putting on the road—the last polluting vehicles. But let's think about that for just a moment...
If the average life of a car is about 12 years, then that puts those 2035 model cars still on our highways until 2047!
What sounds reasonable at first blush is more likely to be yet another dangerous postponement of sober and effective atmospheric heat-reduction solutions.
Given how much human-released CO2 is already in the sky, those timelines are cynical at best.
It will take much more than only ramping up electric and Hydrogen vehicle production to make a real difference.
• |
Regarding our present and future Global Automobile Fleet,
here are four major factors a safe atmosphere demands: |
1. |
Insure that all new vehicles won't emit CO2. |
2. |
Insure that all new vehicles are also of a potent atmospheric CO2 capture design. |
3. |
Insure that all old non-CCC vehicles will be retrofitted with dual-purpose CO2 scrubbers to both remove skyborne CO2, and capture their own CO2 tail-pipe emissions. |
4. |
Insure that service stations deliver clean electricity for CCC-EV's, and non-Methane sourced Hydrogen for CCC-Fuel-Cell cars. Clean electricity here means: NOT sourced from the burning of fossil fuels. |
CCC's • Carbon Capture Cars provide a mighty incentive to rapidly retire all non-CCC cars at a rate that might far exceed the status quo. With governments, industry, and citizenry onboard, the call to change course will be heard loud and clear.
You won't just be going to a clean and green electric car—that's only half way there. You will be going one giant leap for humankind more—to a car that cleans the sky of its CO2 overload.
The auto industry could take the high road, and recognize they have the power to save our planet and civilization—and the generations to come—should scientists and engineers declare that CCC vehicles outfitted with CO2 Scrubbers are a viable agency for quickly reversing the Climate Emergency.
And, the industry would likely sell a lot of magnificent cars, trucks, buses and RV's in the process.
Internal combustion engine automobile pollution is killing us.
Particulate pollution of the air we breathe is dangerous and even deadly. Recent research at Harvard University indicates that the issue is getting worse, regardless of governmental standards put in place that were designed to regulate the issue. Thousands of lives could be saved—and health issues minimized—if we choose to deliberately move away from the gasoline engine, and embrace non-polluting models. HARVARD • UOCS
Carbon Capture Cars won't pollute.
Instead, they'll pluck Carbon Dioxide from the sky day and night.

Our goal is to turn the fleet Green as fast as possible. That means
first and foremost
to convert production to pure CCC—no to emissions, and yes to on-board CO2 removal.
Let's open a second front and retrofit all vehicles currently on the road.
No, we won't penalize those who still drive a CO2 emitting vehicle. No one will have to choose between keeping their car on the road or being forced to buy a new Carbon Capture Car.
To reduce anxiety and be fair to the millions of non-CCC vehicles, owners will be allowed to continue to drive their vehicle. However, they will all also be asked to adapt.
Image by Ryan Doka from Pixabay
Two for the price of one?
We will also ask that CO2 Scrubbers capture their own vehicle's Carbon Dioxide effluence.
Non-CCC cars, trucks and buses would then be performing two important tasks:
1) They would remove CO2 already in the atmosphere, and... 2) they would also be removing a healthy percentage of the CO2 they are generating from their burning of gasoline.
By law, and over the course of just a few years, any car brought in to any service station would automatically be retrofitted. Additionally, even if there was no pressing service requirement,
vehicle owners might still get a letter in the mail indicating: "It's your turn. Please bring your car into Max's Auto Garage on Oct. 12th." An entire new industry will be born—one whose purpose will be a one-two punch: the retrofitting of CO2 Scrubbers on polluting cars, and removing that dangerous Carbon Dioxide from both the sky and the vehicle's tailpipe.
Regulation would insure that all vehicles are retrofitted to conform with our clean atmosphere goal. These efforts applied to internal combustion engine vehicles would make a substantial difference in reducing vehicular CO2 pollution and would be a potent climate-cleaning initiative in their own right.

Image text translation: Carbon Pooling Station - Electric Vehicle Charger
Your new Carbon Capture Car will capture CO2— and it will also regularly deliver it.
Carbon capture is difficult. It requires exotic designs to meaningfully remove CO2 from the atmosphere. That invention is now here, and may shortly be in your car. The second tier of Carbon capture is: "What do you do with the stuff once you've got it in the tank?"
This is the other remarkable point about using our vehicles for Carbon capture. They can capture it anywhere, but they can only deliver it to the same places we all will charge up at. This is the less obvious but altogether necessary activity that CCC vehicles perform.
All commercial refueling stations and chargepoints will by law be outfitted to accept volumes of CO2. On a regular time schedule, those enormous tanks of concentrated CO2 are trucked or piped away to sequestration facilities, and thus the circle is complete.
Could CCC vehicles be one of the keys to completely reverse Global Warming?
As Carbon Dioxide builds in the atmosphere, it also acts like a blanket. Sunlight that strikes the Earth's surface creates heat. As that heat attempts to return to space, it is blocked by the presence of ever increasing amounts of greenhouse gases, of which the primary culprit is CO2.
What is not widely known is that it only takes tiny amounts of CO2 increase to cause a disproportionate trapping of that heat trying to get back to space.
This might be very good news. What's causing the Global Warming crisis are just the small amounts of excess CO2 in any given volume of air. If we remove those small amounts, we could lower the temperature. Until recently, there was no easy way to do that—but that is now about to change. What's brand new are technologies which can remove CO2 from the atmosphere at any concentration. The fastest way to scale up that removal process would be to harness the monumental capacity of our global fleet of 1.5 billion vehicles on the road.
If we reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by a mere 130 ppm, we will achieve our goal. There are a billion cubic miles / 4.2 billion cubic kilometers of air encircling our globe.
The total CO2 reduction needed to completely return us to normal temperatures is only .015% of that vast ocean of air. That works out to about 150 thousand cubic miles / 625 thousand cubic kilometers of excess CO2, still a stunningly large volume.
Along with other CO2 removal technologies, that mountain of CO2 in the sky will still be no match for those billion and a half cars, trucks, RV's, buses, locomotives, big ocean-going ships—and with time, all the buildings in all the cities of our planet—draining their 'cube' of CO2 every week over a 30-year timeline. We don't have to look to exotic locales to make it right: we can use the vast infrastructure we already have. |